Approximately 95% of dimming drivers do not switch off 100%.
If the lamp is powered by a 0~10v or DALI without auxiliary it can be operated from maximum power down to approximately 6~10% of power, without switch-off, however.
For complete control from maximum to switched-off VABOSS supplies a Junction Control HUB (JCB 66-4). The HUB provides a function to allow switch-off for 0~10v and DALI drivers without auxiliary.
The HUB is a great aid to manufacture; it makes for speedy wiring and connections at the manufacture point. Control cables plug in with USB and PicoBlade sockets.
A list of tested drivers by VABOSS and declared compatible is available from VABOSS. It is updated monthly and features:
- 0~10v with auxiliary that "switch off".
DALI with auxiliary that "switch off".
1~10v standard dimming drivers that can switch off with VABOSS JCB.
DALI standard dimming drivers that can switch off with VABOSS JCB.
All of the below lamp types could be fitted with a VABOSS control.